My second blog!
I'm so exhausted, but it's a good exhausted. And I'm exhausted from Band Camp! We learned how to march today and start building strong calf muscles. We went over Detail, Attention, Horns Up/Down, Marking Time, Forward Marching, Backwards Marching, Slides, and Box Drill. That's a lot to learn in one day, but thank God that the seniors were there to help us and make sure we're doing things right since they know what they're doing. They made it so much easier to get through the hot day, and they were super nice and they didn't give us trouble at all, well at least in my opinion. Since Mr. S is very picky and wants to make sure that everything is close to perfect, we had to repeat things over and over, but it's all worth it at the end. Like when we went over forward marching, backward marching, slides, and the box drill I had about 6 left feet and it took me about 3 tries to get everything down and right. When people see us marching, we don't want to just walk with sloppy posture and just overall not looking good. They want to see us with good posture, everything exact, and that horns are held accordingly to what's told. For example, since I'm a flute player, I have to play with my flute straight and parallel to the ground and it's not just me, it's every other flute player too. We had to keep our chins up since our feet weren't going anywhere from marching. And marching isn't just walking down a street and playing your instrument, you have to know commands and etc. and a good band teacher tops it off. Well, there was a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. And everything was great, I love band camp and I'm stoked for the rest of the years of band in THS. We're going over drills and I think more marching for the rest. Today was a good day! By the way, I was kidding about the blood and tears.
This is Razina Rintharamy (Flute Class of 2013) and she will be blogging throughout the 2009-2010 School Year about "My Freshman Year in the THS Band".
They made it so much easier to get through the hot day, and they were super nice..
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I love band camp and I'm stoked for the rest of the years of band.
Thanks for posting..
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