Our Spring Concert is tomorrow night! I'm excited and a little bit nervous. We're not so ready for it, though. We still have a lot of things we can fix, but due to all the talking we do in band we did waste a lot of time. I hope people actually practiced for this concert somewhat because the songs are amazing. I am looking forward to see how Inchon sounds in our gymnasium, and also I can't wait to hear An American Elegy. The trumpet solo and the ending is epic and emotional. I can't believe I'm already playing in the concert for the Torrington High School Band. I always looked up to it since I started playing the flute in 5th grade, the band is so inspiring. Hopefully, we can have that affect on others. The year is going by so fast, I didn't think the concert was going to come up like this. I hope Mr. S and our student teacher, Mr. Manning, is somewhat impressed with our performance tomorrow night. It's us that makes the difference and effect, so I just really hope we do somewhat well. I can't wait! Not to mention, I am currently in my concert dress to see how it looks, and it looks good!